Four Laws of Spiritual Prosperity
by edwene Gaines
This four part book study was the topic for the Sundays in October 2022 but the lessons are guides to unlimited abundance anytime.
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First Law of Prosperity: You must title 10 percent of all that you receive to the person, place, or institution where you have received your spiritual food.
Affirmation: “God fills me with rich ideas and my prosperity is revealed to me.”
Edwene Gaines’ Prosperity Prayer to launch this important journey:
Father/Mother God, I invite the Holy Spirit to take charge of my journey to prosperity. I let go of all that has gone before, and I now begin anew. I am free and forgiven for all the mistakes I’ve made in the past. I open myself now to expressing a brand new magnificence. I open myself to the infinite possibilities that are mine to choose. I open myself to receiving all the goodness I can have and to all the greatness I can achieve. I invite the Holy Spirit to heal my body, to harmonize my emotions, to renew my mind. To fill me now with a mighty faith that empowers me and allows me to commit to be all that I came to be. Amen
“Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; and thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” Malachi 3:10
Second Law of Prosperity: You must set clear-cut goals.
Affirmation: “With a growing awareness of my divine nature, I set and accomplish my goals.”
“During the process of goal-setting, you will need to take some time alone, away from chaos and distraction of daily life, to get acquainted again with the real you.” Edwene Gaines, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
Choosing Words Wisely:
Commit to eliminate the words: “ought”, “should”, “must” and “have-to” all of these words deny our Truth.
The 21 Day Challenge
Edwene Gaines’ 10 Steps Toward Your Goals
1. Write all of your goals down. Big or small.
2. Choose a few to focus on. Edwene works on 12 at a time.
3. What changes must you make to accommodate your goal?
4. Make a deadline. Set a date.
5. Affirm your goals at least 3 times a day.
6. Imagine yourself achieving your goal.
7. Act and feel as if you have received your goal.
8. Careful who you share your goals with; keep it between you and God.
9. Cross off goals as you achieve them. Add new ones.
10. Remember God’s highest law is Love.
5 Steps Outside Your Comfort Zone
Step 1: List 5 extremely scary things that there is no way you would ever do or even want to do.
Step 2: List 5 scary things that you have always dreamed of doing, but never had the nerve to do.
Step 3: List 5 small, slightly scary things you could do today if you chose.
Step 4: Choose the most appealing of the 5 small things and write the first step that would allow you to do it.
Step 5: Now that you have taken the first step…follow through is easier. Take on some of the scary dreams or one of the scary “No Way” things.
Third Law of Prosperity: You must forgive everyone all the time, especially yourself.
Affirmation: “Today is my day to forgive.”
Edwene Gaines’ Five Forgiveness Techniques
1. Write, speak and listen to forgiveness affirmations.
2. Ask before sleep “Have I put anyone outside my heart today?”
3. At least once a year do a complete forgiveness inventory of my entire life.
4. Perhaps the person you need to forgive is yourself. Step 4 & 5
5. If you are feeling so bad about something you did or something done to you – Ask God for help.
Edwene Gaines’ Forgiveness: A Journaling Exercise
I am through feeling guilty about:
I am over feeling sorry for myself about:
I am no longer going to blame __________ for:
I am finished with all sadness about:
I forgive my parents for:
I release all suffering about:
Above all, I forgive myself once and for all for:
It is done!
Fourth Law of Prosperity: You must seek, discover, and follow your divine purpose.
Affirmation: “I commit to living my divine purpose.”
Edwene Gaines’ Exercise: Two Weeks of Self-Care and Integrity
Today, take one step toward cleaning out all the clutter in your life. Tidy your house, balance your checkbook, file paperwork, complete unfinished projects, clean out your closet, or get the car washed. When we de-clutter our lives, we signal the universe that we are ready to handle more good.
Today, give yourself the gift of some time alone. We must all have a habit of solitude, regularly spending time alone in the silence by taking a walk in the woods, sitting on a hill and watching the setting sun, or simply taking a long, hot bath. Refresh and recreate yourself in peaceful solitude and observe with wonder the amazing possibilities in your life.
Today, create beauty in your environment. Is there anything you could do to make the space more inviting? Replace a worn-out carpet, wash the windows, add a plant or vase of flowers, hang some artwork, brighten with throw pillows, display family photos or treasures. Strive for beauty in your person – dress well, get a good haircut or new shoes. Notice all the beauty in your life and thank God for it.
Today, think of one thing that you’d really love but you “don’t have time for,” and then make time. Get a massage, go to lunch with a friend, play a sport that you love, or practice a hobby that you enjoy. Life is meant to be enjoyed. The better you treat yourself, the better you will find life treating you.
Today, practice living and speaking from your sense of authenticity. Make a habit not to hedge the truth, or to speak in half truths. Be someone that others can trust will tell the truth about who you are and what you feel, because when you tell your truth with love, you empower others to live from truth as well. Think of a recent moment when you did not tell someone the truth, or did not tell the whole truth. Now, go back to that person and tell the whole truth.
Today, watch a comedy or listen to a funny tape, read the comics in the paper. Go to a park and listen to children’s laughter as they play. Make faces at yourself in the mirror. We celebrate God by finding the humor in life, so make it a habit to find opportunities to laugh.
Today, face head-on a challenge you’ve been avoiding and keep your cool while you do it. Write your neighbor a polite note about his barking dog or calmly request a meeting with your child’s difficult teacher. Or when something unfortunate happens –a fender bender, a broken window, a chipped tooth—and you don’t know how you will fix the situation, don’t panic. Make it a habit to remain calm and to say to yourself, “All is well. God provides.”
Today, choose a few people who have made a difference in your life and tell them how much they mean to you. Let them know your life is better because of them. Make a habit to give genuine and public compliments.
Everyone wants to be appreciated and acknowledged. Watch others light up with gratitude.
Today, choose one person whom you’ve had some negative feelings about in the past and try once more to open your heart to him or her. Remember, if you choose to love only perfect people, you will be a very lonely soul. Try to make it a habit to allow everyone inside your heart space.
Today, do something consciously and intentionally to feed your spirit. Read an inspiring book or meditate on a favorite quote. Listen to a nurturing recording or attend a class or a worship service. Take time for prayer. Sing a favorite hymn or listen to devotional music. Make it a habit, each day, to turn within and ask for guidance as to what would feed your spirit—and then do that thing.
Today, think of a recent change in your life that has upset you or thrown you off balance and try to look at it in a new light. Open your mind and ask if there’s any way it might lead to good down the road. What new opportunities will this unexpected change create?
Today, take a moment to sit quietly and take a thorough inventory of your life. Let go of any elements that are draining your energy and disrupting your peace of mind. Release the burdens of the past and begin anew. As a being that is growing and changing, you must let go of that which is no longer enriching your life.
Today, learn something new, no matter how small. Learn how to pitch a tent, to tie sailors’ knots, to bake bread, or to say some words in a foreign language you don’t speak. You never know where your new knowledge may take you. Make it a habit to keep expanding your awareness and learning new things.
Today, deliberately find a small gift that you might usually overlook and give God thanks for it. The more we notice the sweetness of life, the more the universe gives to us. No matter how bleak a situation you might find yourself in, there is always something to be grateful for—the blue sky, the sunshine, the warm bed, the nourishing food, the encouragement of a friend. Notice the good in your life and give thanks to God for it.